Since all our products fall in the Health, Hygiene and Wellness Category, we do not accept returns in any product.
However, if a wrong product has been delivered to you, please write to us at with your order number and images of the product you have received.
If an order is cancelled within 24 hours of being placed, 100% refund will be given.
If an order is cancelled after 24 hours of being placed and the product has not been shipped yet, a refund of 90% of total order value will be given (this is done in order to compensate for admin expenses undertaken on our end).
If an order is cancelled after the product has been shipped, it will be treated as a Return. See above section on Returns for more.
Cancellations of Health Packages & Consultations
If an order is cancelled within 24 hours of being placed, 100% refund will be given.
If an order is cancelled after 24 hours of being placed, a refund of 90% of total order value will be given (this is done in order to compensate for admin expenses undertaken on our end).
If an order is cancelled after the health package or consultation has started, refund will be given on a pro-rated basis of pending package duration or sessions remaining.